Friday, January 8, 2010

kilometer sifar

life is like a book ~ everyday has new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales on good deeds to remember. discard the bad, remember and learn from the good. episode in the coming year. may 2010 be a bleesed year of great success, happiness, good health and lebih kaya raya.

“chams you kat ner?”
“hurm sayang, kat opis citer?”
“so tonite celebrate kat mana?”
“marina float, jom...singapore!”

sedang semua kekawan sibuk berbalas pantun and wishes tahun baru, saya masih bergelut perlukan ubat penenang (chup, ubat penenang kuda mungkin?!?) lambakan kerja terlambak bikin saya joget lambak sejak tersidai cuti panjang ke bali till berlarut menantikan papa “santet” kirimkan hadiah krismas.

oksigen pleeeeeeease...pwooooorrrh.

apa-apa pun on tonite saya tetap akan celebrate @ singapore. mabuk-mabuk? clubbin’..? maybe subject, dush* esok saya ke opis keje la beb! johor tak ada red carpet tuk bercuti macam korang mengkafirkan diri. lagipun kita orang islam sikit hehehe (warak katanyeeer :d). kalo lebam bijik mata pagi esok special effect tak cukup tido so terpaksalah standby nurul shukor tuk buat teknik smoky eyes.

he’s naim, my fren (wo-wo-wo he’s not my speedo ok!!! pullstop!) cam biasa kita orang take dine kat arab street and parking betul-betul depan masjid sultan. fyi, murtabak kat situ memang kaw-kaw punya. lagi pun si naim dari siang tadi dah merengek nak makan mutton murtabak and saya cam biasa melantak murtabak ayam madu.

“you help me amik kamera i...on yea”
“elo pakcik, dah 3 kali i on but still tak pe-pe pun”
“a-la-mak, forgot my battery-lah and my memory card also dalam beg lagi satu”

ouch* lalalalala

so terpaksalah pose dengan kemera cap ayam malam tu, nasib badan. hasilnya not to bad like cam-boring and no more cam-woarin’ yang sexy messy (terasa sengal jap macam paris hilton dengan nicole richie).

naim surprises me with new gadget…and he look so excited like amik extacy to godek this GPS. perjalanan kali ni ditemani suara pompuan gedik si mesin plastik yang terus membuatkan destinasi malam kitaorg penuh dramatik and lil’bit lo-man-tik ayooo, so funny la this mesin (sumtimes we’ll featuring like “lady gaga[h]” talk and talk again sampai kita orang nak romen pun susah, cemas sungguh (*_*”)

GPS konon?!? bagus lagi pelan rabak cap ayam kita (lebih cepat, masa pun singkat). harrrraaam, teknologi la saaaaangat!

now, u follow my direction and lupakan pompuan kekwat GPS you ni. pe kata you just park your car infront of ocbc and kita walk in ke clark quay ok?!? still stuck on traffic. this year saya tak dapat nak adjust port yang perfect macam last year. whatever, i’m epi tengok fireworks tu sambil buat wish.

before i get drunk and lost my phone...lima…empat…tiga…dua…satu...
epi new year!!!

yelah-yelah-yelah “belated” but still in mood wokey ~ ngee.


  1. + happy new year +
    anyway, bestnya jalan tanpa osmate kan? hahaha!

  2. hahaha housemate busy buat 'pukulan' hole ke 18 (walau-pun lubang golf cuma 17) sape nak jawab bout de hole tu?!? lariiiiiiikkk.
