yesterday, masa tengah cut my hair kat michael & guys with kechik then online la “muka-buku” sambil mulot terkumat kamit…bukan zikir okay just menjawab soalan-soalan cepu-emas si kechik ni. lagipun saya bukannya “facebook pornstar” mcm korang, huhuhu. scroll punya scroll, trus nampak tag pakcik ni, bukan satu tapi dua (nampak sgt tak confident and that is warning…i must do it). huh, kat sebelah tu la pakcik “saiful azhar” yg sungguh berani tagged kita (kasta dia ni rendah ckit dari “azhar” sulaiman but tinggi ckit dari “saiful” anwar ibrahim…walaweee~dush*). tema tag kali ni three (3) things katanya...let's share! korok mu. korang re-read jelah jawapan spm saya tu, kalo berminat korang copy je skema jawapan tuh. mesti pass-nyer and get A++.
three names that you wish no one will ever call you…
selain dari cham’s, if nak merasa “high heel” seize 6 kita bleh arrr (suka suki je nak panggil saya dgn nama pelik-pelik, hanjing sgt!!! saya suruh sakaratul maut panggil korang nak? lalalala).
three jobs i have / had in my life
1. freelance editor
2. town planner
3. erm…“blow-job” pun gerek pe? membanting tulang tu.
three places i have lived…
1. sg. choh, rawang (aiyoh, i can’t believed…)
2. puteriwangsa
3. simbang 17 (korang tau ke tempat ni, wakakaka)
three tv shows that i watch:
1. gilmore girls
2. desperate housewives
3. ugly betty
three places i wish to go someday,
[mecca] saya takde impian indah mcm korang…only that place, amen.
people that e-mail me regularly is,
1. respeks : ntah mamat & minah mana yg sengal dan aku tak kenal + takde keje menyusahkan aku je delete email tak berfaedah diaorg neh!!! kalo dah gatal tangan sgt tu pegi la mencangkul rumput ke, cabut uban ke…siang taugeh ke…ish, emo jap ~ nak luku-luku kepala diaorg.
2. my best friends
3. co-workers & client (ke-lain…not for my boss eyes)
three of my favorite foods:
1. satay
2. macaroni and cheese
3. …all things bout cheese
three things i would like to do / have:
1. cookin’ and sumtimes “cock-ing” maybe? uweeeekkkss.
2. superman??? not rubiah suparman okay.
3. me…yup, it’s me : )
three sports that you are quite good at…
1. batu seremban? kalo berani meh arrrr, poyo!
2. main gelang getah
3. galah panjang….hahaha :p expert-ise tuuuuu.
three personal belongings that you really love?
1. my family and i can’t erase my memory to forget them, so i bring my otak too.
2. awak + dia + buchuk + sayang = only y.o.u
3. money currency
things i am looking forward to…
“someone” (on-off like bursa saham, plezzzzzzzz la sayang…i’m tired) no number two and no more three.
p/s: thanks pakcik saiful…okay ke jawapan tu?!? trasa nak mkn “murtabak sedulang” plak.